Feminism for the 99%
13 October - 5 November 2022
St Heliers Gallery, Abbotsford Convent
13 October - 5 November 2022
St Heliers Gallery, Abbotsford Convent
This exhibition brings together a series of hand drawn posters by Sfetkidis. Taking as it’s starting point the manifesto ‘Feminism for the 99% by Cinzia Arruzza, Tithi Bhattacharya, Nancy Fraser’ the posters reflect on the manifesto itself and its relationship to contemporary activism. Inspired by her participation in ‘The Feminist Colour-in’ curated by Kim Donaldson and Katve-Kansa Kontturi the labour of drawing acts as both a mediation on the role of feminism and its relationship to socially progressive political movements today. The works chart Sfetkidis’ continued interest in social movements, and propaganda and forms part of her ongoing research into the history of banner and poster making both withess to health care, education & child care, queer rights, decolonisation & climate change, these works feature faces from the international women’s movement - from the Suffragettes to Saheen Bagh- and beyond. They are both a celebration of the hard work being done to fight social injustice and a call to arms for the work still to do.
All works coloured pencil on paper, 594mm x 891mm

Photos by Chris Bowers